Frantz Nursery Crop Photos
Category: Container Size:
Category: Container Size:
YUGO05 | Yucca 'Gold Sword' |
VACZ05 | Cit-Calamondin SD, Calamondin |
BUHD05 | Cit-Citron Buddha's Hand Std, Cit-Citron Buddha's Hand |
CICH05 | Cit-Cocktail Hybrid Sd, Cocktail Hybrid |
FLGR05 | Cit-Grpfrt Flame Std, Grapefruit Flame |
ORBB05 | Cit-Grpfrt OroBlanco SD, Grapefruit OroBlanco |
ORBL05 | Cit-Grpfrt OroBlanco Std, Grapefruit OroBlanco |
FLSS05 | Cit-Grpfrt RioRed Std, Grapefruit RioRed |
EULL05 | Cit-Lemon Eureka SD, Lemon Eureka |
EULA05 | Cit-Lemon Eureka Std, Lemon Eureka |
CIMN05 | Cit-Lemon Imp Meyer Dwf, Improved Meyer Lemon Dwarf |
CIME05 | Cit-Lemon Imp Meyer ESP, Lemon Imp Meyer ESP |
CIMB05 | Cit-Lemon Imp Meyer Low Branch Std, Improved Meyer Lemon |
CIIM05 | Cit-Lemon Imp Meyer SD, Improved Meyer Lemon |
CIML05 | Cit-Lemon Imp Meyer Std, Lemon Imp Meyer |
LILE05 | Cit-Lemon Lisbon 8A Std, Lemon Lisbon 8A |
ARPF05 | Cit-Lime Australian Red Finger, Australian Red Pulp Finger lim |
CIBB05 | Cit-Lime Bearss Dwf, Lime Bearss |
CIBE05 | Cit-Lime Bearss ESP, Lime Bearss |
CIBI05 | Cit-Lime Bearss SD, Lime Bearss |
CIBL05 | Cit-Lime Bearss Std, Lime Bearss |
CIFI05 | Cit-Lime Finger Lime Std, Lime Finger Lime |
KIFS05 | Cit-Lime Kieffer STD, Lime Kieffer |
THLK05 | Cit-Lime Mex Thornless Dwf, Lime Mex Thornless |
THLJ05 | Cit-Lime Mex Thornless SD, Lime Mex Thornless |
THLI05 | Cit-Lime Mex Thornless Std, Lime Mex Thornless |
TMEX05 | Cit-Lime Mexican (Key) SD, Lime Mexican (Key) |
TMXE05 | Cit-Lime Mexican (Key) Std, Lime Mexican (Key) |
CLMB05 | Cit-Mandarin Clem SD, Mandarin Clem |
CLMQ05 | Cit-Mandarin Clem Dwf, Mandarin Clem |
CLME05 | Cit-Mandarin Clem ESP, Mandarin Clem |
CLMP05 | Cit-Mandarin Clem Std, Mandarin Clem |
CLMA05 | Cit-Mandarin Clem Std, Mandarin Clem |
FROI05 | Cit-Mandarin Owari Dwf, Mandarin Owari |
FROO05 | Cit-Mandarin Owari SD, Mandarin Owari |
FROW05 | Cit-Mandarin Owari Std, Mandarin Owari |
PAMS05 | Cit-Mandarin Page SD, |
CSKS05 | Cit-Mandarin Seedless Kishu SD, Mandarin Seedless Kishu |
TAME05 | Cit-Mandarin Tango SD, Mandarin Tango |
TAMA05 | Cit-Mandarin Tango Std, Mandarin Tango |
CIZL05 | Cit-New Ze Lemonaid Lemon SD, Lemon New Ze Lemonaid |
CIAT05 | Cit-Orange Atwood SD, Orange Atwood |
CANJ05 | Cit-Orange CaraCara Pink SD, Orange CaraCara Pink Navel |
CANS05 | Cit-Orange CaraCara Pink Std, Orange CaraCara Pink Navel |
MIVV05 | Cit-Orange Mid Valencia SD, Orange Mid Valencia |
MIVA05 | Cit-Orange Mid Valencia Std, Orange Mid Valencia |
MORR05 | Cit-Orange MoroBlood SD, Orange MoroBlood |
WANL05 | Cit-Orange Washington Dwf, Orange Washington |
WANP05 | Cit-Orange Washington SD, Orange Washington |
WANO05 | Cit-Orange Washington Std, Orange Washington |
CISE05 | Cit-Ornge Seville Column, Orange Seville Column |
CITS05 | Cit-Pummelo Tahitian Sd, Tahitian Pummelo |
MITQ05 | Cit-Tangelo Minneola SD, Tangelo Minneola |
DATA05 | Cit-Tangerine Dancy Std, Tangerine Dancy |
CIKM05 | Citrus-Meiwa Kumquat SD, Kumquat Meiwa |
BOEE05 | Boug 'Elizabeth Angus' ESP, Bougainvillea |
BOBE05 | Boug. 'Barbara Karst' ESP, Bougainvillea |
BOOE05 | Boug. 'Bengal Orange' ESP, Bougainvillea |
CAWE05 | Camellia 'White Dove' ESP, Sasanqua Camellia |
CAKS05 | Camellia j. 'Kramer's Sup' ESP, Japanese Camellia |
CATE05 | Camellia j. 'Tom Knudsen' ESP, |
CACE05 | Camellia s. 'Chansonette' ESP, Sasanqua Camellia |
CLCE05 | Clytostoma cal. ESP, Violet Trumpet Vine |
DUSW05 | Duranta 'Sweet Memory' ESP, |
GAVS05 | Gardenia 'Veitchii' ESP, Cape Jasmine |
GEES05 | Gelsemium semp. ESP, Carolina Jasmine |
MALE05 | Magnolia 'Little Gem' ESP, Southern Magnolia |
PHFR05 | Photinia fraseri ESP, Photinia fraseri espalier |
PLAE05 | Plumbago 'Royal Cape' ESP, Plumbago |
ROIE05 | Rosa 'Iceberg' (White) ESP, Rosa 'Iceberg' (White) |
TRJE05 | Trach. jasminoides ESP, Trach. jasminoides Espalier |
ASME05 | Asparagus meyeri, Foxtail Fern |
FIGT05 | Fig Brown Turkey |
FICC05 | Fig carica 'Celeste', Celeste Fig |
FRCM05 | Fruit Cherry Montmorency, Montmorency Cherry |
FRHB05 | Fruit Nectarine HoneyBabe Mini, Honey Babe Miniature Nectarine |
FRNZ05 | Fruit Nectarine NectaZee Mini, Necta Zee Miniature Nectarine |
FRPZ05 | Fruit Peach Lilleland, Lilleland Peach |
PODE05 | Pomegranate - Desertnyi, |
POPA05 | Pomegranate - Parfianka, Pomegranate Parfianka |
POTR05 | Pomegranate - Tom's Red, Pomegranate 'Toms Red' |
BOBL05 | Bouteloua g. 'Blonde Ambition', Blue Grama |
CAKL05 | Calamagrostis 'Karl Foerster', Feather Reed Grass |
CADI05 | Carex divulsa, Sedge |
CATU05 | Carex tumulicola (divulsa), Sedge |
CHON05 | Chondropetalum tectorum, Cape Rush |
FEMA05 | Festuca mairii, Atlas Fescue |
FEGL05 | Festuca o. 'Elijah Blue', Blue Fescue Grass |
HESA05 | Helictotrichon s. 'Sapphire', Blue Oat Grass |
JUPA05 | Juncus patens, California Gray Rush |
JUEL05 | Juncus patens 'Elk Blue', California Gray Rush |
LIMU05 | Liriope muscari, Lily Turf |
LOBE05 | Lomandra 'Breeze' PP15,420, Dwarf Mat Bush |
LOPL05 | Lomandra l. 'Platinum Beauty', |
MIMO05 | Miscanthus 'Morning Light', Maiden Grass |
MUDU05 | Muhlenbergia 'Dubia', Muhly |
MUWH05 | Muhlenbergia 'White Cloud', Muhly |
MURE05 | Muhlenbergia c. 'Regal Mist', Muhly |
MUCA05 | Muhlenbergia capillaris, Muhly |
MURI05 | Muhlenbergia rigens, Deer Grass |
PEHA05 | Pennisetum a. 'Hameln' |
PEOR05 | Pennisetum orientalis |
ACLO05 | Acacia redolens 'Low Boy', Acacias |
AREM05 | Arcto. 'Emerald Carpet', Manzanita |
ARPA05 | Arcto. 'Pacific Mist', Manzanita |
ARPO05 | Arcto. u. 'Point Reyes', Manzanita |
BAPI05 | Baccharis p. 'Pigeon Point', Dwarf Coyote Bush |
BATW05 | Baccharis p. 'Twin Peaks', Dwarf Coyote Bush |
CEYA05 | Ceanothus g. h. 'Yankee Point', California Lilac |
COKI05 | Coprosma kirkii, Mirror Bush, Tree Bedstraw |
COLO05 | Cotoneaster d. 'Lowfast', Bearberry Cotoneaster |
MARE05 | Mahonia repens, Creeping Mahonia |
MYPA05 | Myoporum p. 'Putah Creek', Myoporum |
ROCO05 | Rosmarinus 'Collingwood Ingram |
ROPO05 | Rosmarinus 'Prostratus' |
TRAS05 | Trachelospermum asiaticum |
CHHU05 | Chamaerops humilis, Mediterranean Fan Palm |
WARO05 | Washingtonia robusta |
AZAP05 | Azalea 'Alaska' PT, Azalea |
AZPP05 | Azalea 'Phoenicia' PT, Azalea |
AZRP05 | Azalea 'Redbird' PT, Azalea |
CACI05 | Callistemon citrinus PT, Bottlebrush |
CADP05 | Camellia j. 'Debutante' PT, Japanese Camellia |
CAKP05 | Camellia j. 'Kramer's Sup' PT, Japanese Camellia |
CAST05 | Camellia j. 'Silver Waves' PT, Japanese Camellia |
FESP05 | Feijoa sellowiana PT, Pineapple Guava |
GAAP05 | Gardenia j. 'August Beauty' PT, Cape Jasmine |
GAVP05 | Gardenia j. 'Veitchii' PT, Cape Jasmine |
HIBR05 | Hibiscus r.s.'Double Red' PT, Lipstick Flower |
HILI05 | Hibiscus r.s.'Lipstick' PT, Lipstick Flower |
HIST05 | Hibiscus r.s.'Santana' PT, Santana Hibiscus |
HDIP05 | Hibiscus s. 'Diana' PT, Rose of Sharon |
HIMP05 | Hibiscus s. 'Minerva' PT, Rose of Sharon |
HIRS05 | Hibiscus s. 'Red Heart', Rose of Sharon |
HIRP05 | Hibiscus s. 'Red Heart' PT, Rose of Sharon |
PHFP05 | Photinia fraseri PT |
POPT05 | Pomegranate - Parfianka PT, Pomegranate Parfianka PT |
POWO05 | Pomegranate - Wonderful PT, |
RIBP05 | Rosa 'Iceberg' (Burg.) 18" PT, Burgundy Iceberg Rose 18" Patio |
ROPP05 | Rosa 'Iceberg' (Pink) 18" PT, Iceberg Patio Tree Rose |
ROIP05 | Rosa 'Iceberg' 36" Standard |
RIBB05 | Rosa 'Iceberg'(Burg/Pnk)18"PT, Rosa 'Iceberg'(Brg/Pnk) 18" PT |
ROML05 | Rosa 'Mr. Lincoln' 36" Tree |
ANBR05 | Anigozanthos 'Big Red', Kangaroo Paw |
ANRE05 | Anigozanthos 'Bush Ranger' Red, Kangaroo Paw |
GAFR05 | Galvezia s. 'Firecracker' |
HELE05 | Hem. 'Lemon Vista' TM (Yellow), Yellow Daylily |
HEPL05 | Hem. 'Plum Perfect' (Purple), Purple Daylily |
HERO05 | Hem. 'Rosie Meyer' (Red), Red Daylily |
HESP05 | Hem. 'Shell Pink', Pink Daylily |
HEST05 | Hem. 'Stella De 'Oro' (Yellow), Dwarf Yellow Daylily |
HEOR05 | Hem. hybrid Orange (Evergreen), Orange Daylily |
HEYE05 | Hem. hybrid Yellow (Evergreen), Yellow Daylily |
HEPA05 | Heuchera m. 'Palace Purple', Alumroot |
LANE05 | Lantana 'New Gold', Lantana |
LARA05 | Lantana 'Radiation' Orange-Red, Lantana |
LALA05 | Lantana m. Lavender, Lantana |
LAHI05 | Lavandula a. 'Hidcote', Lavander |
LAMU05 | Lavandula a. 'Munstead', Dwarf English Lavender |
LAVR05 | Lavandula a. 'Vera', Lavender |
LAOT05 | Lavandula s. 'Otto Quasti', Spanish Lavender |
LAGO05 | Lavandula x. 'Goodwin Creek', Lavender |
LAGR05 | Lavandula x. 'Grosso', Lavender |
LAPR05 | Lavandula x. 'Provence', Provence Lavender |
PEAT05 | Perovskia atriplicifolia |
SAHO05 | Salvia 'Hot Lips' |
SACL05 | Salvia clevlandii |
SAFU05 | Salvia g. 'Furman Red' |
SAPI05 | Salvia greggii Pink |
SAGR05 | Salvia greggii Red |
SASB05 | Salvia l. 'Santa Barbara' |
TEFR05 | Teucrium fruticans |
TUSI05 | Tulbaghia v. 'Silver Lace' |
TUVI05 | Tulbaghia violacea green |
RORD05 | Rosa 'Drift - Red' PP#17877 |
ROGP05 | Rosa 'Groundcover Pink' |
ROGR05 | Rosa 'Groundcover Red' |
ROGW05 | Rosa 'Groundcover White' |
ROGY05 | Rosa 'Groundcover Yellow' |
ROBU05 | Rosa 'Iceberg' (Burgundy) |
ROBP05 | Rosa 'Iceberg' (Pink) |
ROIC05 | Rosa 'Iceberg' (White) |
ROMR05 | Rosa 'Red Meidiland' |
ABED05 | Abelia g. 'Edward Goucher', Glossy Abelia |
ACML05 | Acanthus mollis, Bear's Breech |
AGBP05 | Agapanthus 'Black Pantha', Lily of the Nile |
AGDE05 | Agapanthus 'Deja Sky Blue', Lily of the Nile |
AGPE05 | Agapanthus 'Peter Pan', Lily of the Nile |
AGQU05 | Agapanthus 'Queen Anne', Lily of the Nile |
AGRA05 | Agapanthus 'Rancho White', Lily of the Nile |
AGST05 | Agapanthus 'Storm Cloud', Lily of the Nile |
AGTI05 | Agapanthus 'Tinkerbell', Lily of the Nile |
AGAF05 | Agapanthus africanus blue, Lily of the Nile |
AGAW05 | Agapanthus africanus white, Lily of the Nile |
ARCO05 | Arbutus u. 'Compacta', Strawberry Tree |
ARHO05 | Arcto. d. 'Howard McMinn', Manzanita |
AZAL05 | Azalea 'Alaska', Azalea |
AZDO05 | Azalea 'Duc de Rohan', Azalea |
AZGB05 | Azalea 'George Tabor', Azalea |
AZPH05 | Azalea 'Phoenicia', Azalea |
AZRE05 | Azalea 'Redbird', Azalea |
AZSO05 | Azalea 'Southern Charm', Azalea |
AZWA05 | Azalea k. 'Wards Ruby', Azalea |
BEAT05 | Berberis t. 'Atropurpurea', Japanese Barberry |
BECO05 | Berberis t. 'Concorde', Japanese Barberry |
BECR05 | Berberis t. 'Crimson Pygmy', Japanese Barberry |
BERO05 | Berberis t. 'Rose Glow', Japanese Barberry |
BOBS05 | Boug. 'Barbara Karst' shrub, Bougainvillea |
BOES05 | Boug. 'Elizabeth Angus', Bougainvillea |
BUBL05 | Buddleia 'Black Knight', Butterfly Bush |
BUGR05 | Buxus j. 'Green Beauty', Boxwood |
BUWI05 | Buxus j. 'Winter Gem', Boxwood |
CALI05 | Callistemon v. 'Little John', Dwarf Bottlebrush |
CACA05 | Camellia j. 'Carter's Sunburst, Japanese Camellia |
CAJD05 | Camellia j. 'Debutante', Japanese Camellia |
CAKR05 | Camellia j. 'Kramer's Supreme', Japanese Camellia |
CAMB05 | Camellia j. 'Marie Bracy', Japanese Camellia |
CANG05 | Camellia j. 'Nuccio's Gem', Japanese Camellia |
CASI05 | Camellia j. 'Silver Waves', Japanese Camellia |
CASP05 | Camellia j. 'Spellbound', Japanese Camellia |
CATO05 | Camellia j. 'Tom Knudsen', Japanese Camellia |
CACH05 | Camellia s. 'Chansonette', Sasanqua Camellia |
CACL05 | Camellia s. 'Cleopatra', Sasanqua Camellia |
CAWH05 | Camellia s. 'White Dove', Sasanqua Camellia |
CERH05 | Ceanothus Ray Hartman, California Lilac |
CHTS05 | Chaenomeles 'Texas Scarlett' |
CISU05 | Cistus 'Sunset', Rockrose |
CILA05 | Cistus ladanifer / maculatus, Rockrose |
CIPU05 | Cistus purpureus, Rockrose |
CISA05 | Cistus salvifolius, Rockrose |
CISK05 | Cistus x skanbergii, Rockrose |
STRE05 | Cit-Grpfrt StarRuby Std, Grapefruit StarRuby |
DISU05 | Coleonema p. 'Sunset Gold', Breath of Heaven, Diosma |
DIPU05 | Coleonema pulchrum, Breath of Heaven, Diosma |
DIBA05 | Dianella 'Baby Bliss', Flax Lily |
DICA05 | Dianella 'Cassa Blue' PP#17998, Flax Lily |
DIRE05 | Dianella 'Little Rev' PP#17719, Flax Lily |
DITA05 | Dianella 'Tasred' PP#18737, Flax Lily |
DIVA05 | Dianella t. 'Variegata', Flax Lily |
MOBI05 | Dietes bicolor, African Iris |
MOVA05 | Dietes i. 'Variegata', African Iris |
MOIR05 | Dietes iridioides, African Iris |
ELVC05 | Elaeagnus 'Variegata' Column, Silverberry |
ESCO05 | Escallonia 'Compacta', Dwarf Pink Princess |
ESFR05 | Escallonia 'Fradesii', Pink Princess |
EUEG05 | Euonymus f. 'Emerald Gaiety', Wintercreeper |
EUMA05 | Euonymus j. 'Aureo-Marginata', Golden Euonymus |
EUGO05 | Euonymus j. 'Aureo-Variegata', Gold Spot Euonymus |
EUGR05 | Euonymus j. 'Green Spire', Green Spire Euonymus |
EUMI05 | Euonymus j. 'Microphylla', Box-Leaf Euonymus |
EUSI05 | Euonymus j. 'Silver Queen', Silver Queen Euonymus |
FESE05 | Feijoa sellowiana, Pineapple Guava |
FINC05 | Ficus nitida Column, Curtain Fig |
GAAU05 | Gardenia j. 'August Beauty', Cape Jasmine |
GARA05 | Gardenia j. 'Radicans', Cape Jasmine |
GAVE05 | Gardenia j. 'Veitchii', Cape Jasmine |
GRNO05 | Grevillea 'Noellii', Grevillea |
HEAR05 | Heteromeles arbutifolia, Toyon |
HILS05 | Hibiscus r.s. 'Lipstick', Lipstick Hibiscus |
HISN05 | Hibiscus r.s. Santana |
HIBS05 | Hibiscus r.s.'Brilliant', Hibiscus Brilliant |
ILBU05 | Ilex c. 'Burfordii Nana', Japanese Holly |
ILSK05 | Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil', Japanese Holly |
ILNA05 | Ilex v. 'Nana', Dwarf Yaupon Holly |
JUSK05 | Juniperus 'Skyrocket' Column, Mountain Cedar, Cedar Juniper |
LADR05 | Lag. shrub Dwarf Red, Crape Myrtle |
LAPP05 | Lag. 'Dwarf Pink', Crape Myrtle |
LECO05 | Leucophyllum f. 'Compacta', Texas Ranger |
LEGR05 | Leucophyllum f. 'Green Cloud', Texas Ranger |
LITE05 | Ligustrum j. 'Texanum', Waxleaf Privet |
LOCH05 | Loropetalum c.'Daybreak', Chinese Fringe Flower |
LOEV05 | Loropetalum c.'Ever Red', Chinese Fringe Flower |
LORU05 | Loropetalum c.'Rubrum', Chinese Fringe Flower |
LOWH05 | Loropetalum chinensis (green), Chinese Fringe Flower |
MAAQ05 | Mahonia aquifolium, Oregon Grape |
MYAF05 | Myrsine africana, Red Matipo, Mapou |
MYVA05 | Myrtus c. 'Compacta Variegata', Dwarf Variegated Myrtle |
MYCO05 | Myrtus communis 'Compacta', Dwarf Myrtle |
NAMO05 | Nandina 'Moon Bay', Heavenly Bamboo |
NAFI05 | Nandina d. 'Fire Power', Heavenly Bamboo |
NADW05 | Nandina d. 'Gulfstream', Heavenly Bamboo |
NADO05 | Nandina domestica, Heavenly Bamboo |
NOPP05 | Nerium o. 'Petite Pink', Oleander |
NEPM05 | Nerium o. 'Pink', Oleander |
NERM05 | Nerium o. 'Red' multi, Oleander |
NESM05 | Nerium o. 'Sister Agnes' multi, Oleander |
OLLI05 | Olea 'Petite Olive', Olive |
OLFR05 | Osmanthus fragrans |
PHAM05 | Phormium Amazing Red |
PHDU05 | Phormium Duet |
PHJA05 | Phormium Jack Spratt |
PHPI05 | Phormium Pink Stripe |
PHPL05 | Phormium Platt's Black |
PHRQ05 | Phormium Rainbow Queen |
PHTO05 | Phormium Tom Thumb |
PHTR05 | Phormium Tricolor |
PHDY05 | Photinia 'Dynamo Red' |
PHFM05 | Photinia fraseri multi |
PICR05 | Pittosporum t. 'Cream de Mint' |
PIVA05 | Pittosporum t. 'Variegata' |
PIWH05 | Pittosporum t. 'Wheelers Dwarf |
PITM05 | Pittosporum tenuifolium |
PLAU05 | Plumbago a. 'Royal Cape', Cape Plumbago |
PROL05 | Prunus l. 'Otto Luyken' |
PRLA05 | Prunus laurocerasus |
PYSA05 | Pyracantha k. 'Santa Cruz' |
RHJO05 | Rhamnus 'John Edwards' |
RHSA05 | Rhamnus 'San Bruno' |
RHCA05 | Rhamnus c. 'Eve Case' |
RARU05 | Rhaph. 'Rubra Compacta', Indian Hawthorne |
RACL05 | Rhaphiolepis i. 'Clara' |
RAJA05 | Rhaphiolepis i. 'Jack Evans' |
RAPI05 | Rhaphiolepis i. 'Pink Lady' |
RAMI05 | Rhaphiolepis u. 'Minor' |
ROTU05 | Rosmarinus 'Tuscan Blue' |
SPBT05 | Spiraea Betulifolia 'Tor' |
SPAN05 | Spiraea j. 'Anthony Waterer' |
SPJE05 | Spirea j. Empire Yeti TM |
TEAZ05 | Teucrium azurium |
TECH05 | Teucrium chamaedrys |
TRJM05 | Trach. jasminoides |
VITI05 | Viburnum tinus 'Spring Bouquet |
WEMO05 | Westringia f. 'Morning Light' |
WEWY05 | Westringia f. 'Wynyabbie Gem' |
WEFR05 | Westringia fruticosa |
XYCO05 | Xylosma c. 'Compacta', Compact Xylosma |
XYSE05 | Xylosma congestum |
AGBL05 | Agave 'Blue Flame', Agave |
AGGL05 | Agave 'Blue Glow', Agave |
AGPA05 | Agave parryi, |
HEYL05 | Hesperaloe p. 'Yellow', Yucca Yellow |
HERE05 | Hesperaloe parviflora, Red Yucca |
BUPY05 | Buxus j. 'Green Beauty' Cone, Boxwood |
LI3T05 | Ligustrum 'Texanum' 3 Tier, Privet, European Privet |
LORC05 | Loropetalum c.'Rubrum' Column, Chinese Fringe Flower |
ACSI05 | Acer p. dis. 'Seiryu', Japanese Maple |
ACPS05 | Acer palmatum Low Branch, Japanese Maple |
ACPM05 | Acer palmatum multi, Japanese Maple |
ARMA05 | Arbutus 'Marina' std., Strawberry Tree |
BEPD05 | Betula Pendula, Birch |
CEPF05 | Cercis Forest Pansy, Eastern Redbud |
CECS05 | Cercis canadensis std., Eastern Redbud |
QURE05 | Chionanthus retusus, Chinese Fringetree |
COPU05 | Cotinus c. 'Purpureus' multi, Smoke Tree |
CULE05 | Cupressocyparis leylandii, Leyland Cypress |
CUGL05 | Cupressus s. 'Glauca', Italian Cypress |
CUTI05 | Cupressus s. 'Totem', Dwarf Italian Cypress |
DOPS05 | Dodonaea v. 'Purpurea' std., Hopbush |
ELDE05 | Elaeocarpus decipiens column, Japanese Blueberry Tree |
LACB05 | Lag. 'Catawba' multi (Purple), Crape Myrtle |
LACA05 | Lag. 'Catawba' std. (Purple), Crape Myrtle |
LADM05 | Lag. 'Dynamite' multi Red, Crape Myrtle |
LADY05 | Lag. 'Dynamite' std. Red, Crape Myrtle |
LAMM05 | Lag. 'Muskogee' multi Lavender, Crape Myrtle |
LANM05 | Lag. 'Natchez' multi White, Crape Myrtle |
LAPM05 | Lag. 'Pink Velour' multi Pink, Crape Myrtle |
LARE05 | Lag. 'Red Rocket' std. Red, Crape Myrtle |
LATM05 | Lag. 'Tuscarora' multi Hot Pnk, Crape Myrtle |
LATS05 | Lag. 'Tuscarora' std. Hot Pink, Crape Myrtle |
LAWM05 | Lag. 'Twilight' multi Purple, Crape Myrtle |
LITC05 | Ligustrum 'Texanum' Column, Privet, European Privet |
MASO05 | Magnolia soulangiana, Saucer Magnolia |
OLMM05 | Olea 'Magnificent' multi, Olive |
OLMA05 | Olea 'Manzanillo' multi(Fruit), Olive |
OLMI05 | Olea 'Mission' multi(Fruiting), Olive |
OLWS05 | Olea 'Wilsoni' std. |
OLOB05 | Olea Oblonga, Olea'Oblonga' |
PICH05 | Pistacia chinensis |
PRKL05 | Prunus c.'Krauter Vesuvius' Lo, Purple Leaf Flowering Plum |
PYAR05 | Pyrus c. 'Aristocrat' |
PYBR05 | Pyrus c. 'Bradford' |
PYCH05 | Pyrus c. 'Chanticleer' |
SEAP05 | Sequoia s. 'Aptos Blue', Coastal Aptos Blue Redwood |
VIAG05 | Vitex agnus-castus multi |
CLCA05 | Clytostoma callistegioides, Violet Trumpet Vine |
FIRE05 | Ficus pumila/repens Staked, Creeping Fig |
GESS05 | Gelsemium semp. - staked, Carolina Jasmine |
JAPO05 | Jasminum polyanthum - staked, Evergreen Pink Jasmine Vine |
SOJA05 | Solanum jasminoides Staked |
TRJS05 | Trach. jasminoides - staked |
YETV05 | Yellow Trumpet Vine, Trumpet Vine |
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