Frantz Nursery Crop Photos
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Product: MALE15
Botanical Name: Magnolia 'Little Gem' ESP
Common Name: Southern Magnolia
Product Size: #15
Category: ESPALIER

20'x12' tall & wide. Narrow growth habit. Glossy dark green leaves and fragrant white flowers on this evergreen tree. Sun. Regular water.

Crop #159127, Location 4-7, Available 2022-04, Notes: 5x4

Crop #165770, Location 5-10, Available 2023-06, Notes: 5x4

Product: POGE15
Botanical Name: Podocarpus gracilior ESP
Common Name: Podocarpus gracilior espalier
Product Size: #15
Category: ESPALIER

Espaliered evergreen - prune to maintain topiary shape. Fern-like leaves and a slow growth habit. Very clean, pest-free. Sun/part shade. Reg water.

Crop #167858, Location 5-8, Available 2022-10, Notes: 5x4

Product: TRJE15
Botanical Name: Trach. jasminoides ESP
Common Name: Trach. jasminoides Espalier
Product Size: #15
Category: ESPALIER

Fragrant white flowers fill this green leafed espaliered form. Fast grower. Prune to maintain shape. Sun/part shade. Regular water.

Crop #169422, Location 4-8, Available 2023-11, Notes: 5x4