Frantz Nursery Crop Photos
Category:     Container Size:

Sorry, no records found for Category FRUIT and Container Size 14"

SQL Result:
    [action] => select
    [query] => select cp.crop_num, cp.prod_code, pm.prod_size, pm.prod_cat, pm.prod_name, sm.botanical_name, sm.common_name, sm.plant_category, sm.tag_desc, cp.photo_name from current_photos as cp join product_master as pm on cp.prod_code = pm.prod_code join species_master as sm on sm.`spec_id` = substring(pm.`prod_code`,1,4) where  sm.plant_category = "FRUIT"  and  pm.prod_size = "14"" and pm.has_public_photo > 0  order by cp.prod_code, cp.photo_name
    [qloc] => 3
    [status] => 
    [mysql_errno] => 1064
    [mysql_error] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '"14"" and pm.has_public_photo > 0  order by cp.prod_code, cp.photo_name' at line 1
    [mysql_rows] => 0